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标题:Varnish 2.1.4 发布,开源HTTP加速器

2010年10月22日 星期五 15:35

Varnish是一款高性能的开源HTTP加速器,挪威最大的在线报纸 Verdens Gang ( http://www.vg.no ) 使用3台Varnish代替了原来的12台 squid ,性能居然比以前更好。

下载  Varnish 2.1.4


  • A bug in the binary heap layout caused inflated object counts, this has been fixed.
  • Much more comprehensive documentation.
  • A DNS director that uses DNS lookups for choosing which backend to route requests to has been added.
  • The client director now uses the variable client.identity for choosing which backend to send a given request to.
  • String representation of now, making it easier to add Expires headers
  • Portability fixes for Solaris.
  • Various bug fixes.



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