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标题:音乐雕版印刷程序 - LilyPond

2012年01月07日 星期六 05:23


LilyPond 是一个音乐雕版印刷程序,专用来生产高质量五线谱音乐。它把传统音乐雕版印刷的美学带到计算机打印输出系统。Lilypond是自由软件也是 GNU Project 的一部分。 的介绍

LilyPond 用来制作《自由软件之歌》乐谱的 源码 

 %#(ly:set-option 'old-relative)
 \version "2.10.33" 
 \header { tagline = ##f }
 TimeKey = { \time 7/8 \key g \major }

 Converted to 2.10, added closing barline.
 Added some extenders and deleted one erroneous hyphen.
 -- Wilbert Berendsen <>

 About the following two comments: I don't know how to get this Lilypond
to insert them in the LaTeX output. I'm inserting them manually in the
titledefs file. (Somebody *please* tell me a better way.)
 -- David Madore <>
 Changed a syllabification a little, converted to 1.3.122 (feb 18, 2001)
 Han-Wen Nienhuys <>
 Converted to 2.4.2, fixed mistakes with alignment & spelling (dec 10, 2004)
 Erik Sandberg <>

 Converted to 2.10.33 and changed notes in bar 6 from cdcb to a halfnote d, a quarternote c, and a whole note b (mar 25, 2010)
 Jeanne Rasata <>

 Deleted 2nd voice, put the key in G major, put the rhythm in 7/8, instead of 7/4, changed the song title, edited the credits, changed b4d4 in bar 4 to grace-note-b4 d2, changed b4d4 in bar 10 to grace-note-b4 d2, change a2.. in bar 10 to (a. a2) (jul 16, 2010)

 Jeanne Rasata <>
 To the melody of "Sadi moma bela loza."

\score {
\relative c' {
  \key g \major
  \time 7/8
 d'4 c8 b4 a4
 b4 c8 b8[( a)] g4
 g4. a4. ( b8)
 c4. b4 \grace b8 d4  \break
 a4. a2
 d4 ( c8 b2)
 d4 c8 b4 a4
 b4 c8 b8[( a)] g4 \break
 g4. a4. ( b8)
 c4. b4 \grace b8 d4
 a4. a2
 a4.( a2)
 \bar "|."

 \addlyrics {
 Join us now and
 share the soft -- ware;
 you'll be __
 free, ha -- ckers,
 you'll be
 free. __
 Join us now and
 share the soft -- ware;
 you'll be __
 free, ha -- ckers,
 you'll be
 free. __

 \addlyrics {
 Hoar -- ders can get
 piles of mo -- ney;
 that is __
 true, ha -- ckers,
 that is
 true. __
 But they can -- not
 help their neigh- -- bors;
 that's not __
 good, ha -- ckers,
 that's not
 good. __

 \addlyrics {
 When we have e -- nough free soft -- ware
 at our __
 call, ha -- ckers,
 at our
 call, __
 we'll kick out those
 \set ignoreMelismata = ##t % for "li -- cen -- ses"
 dir -- ty li -- cen -- ses
 \unset ignoreMelismata
 e -- ver __ more, ha -- ckers,
 e -- ver more. __

 \addlyrics {
 Join us now and
 share the soft -- ware;
 you'll be __
 free, ha -- ckers,
 you'll be
 free. __
 Join us now and
 share the soft -- ware;
 you'll be __
 free, ha -- ckers,
 you'll be
 free. __

 \layout { }
 % this is approximately the tempo rms sang the song in his legendary recording.
 \midi { }

 tagline = \markup { "The lyrics of ``The Free Software Song'' are sung to a melody adapted from the Bulgarian folk song ``Sadi moma bela loza.'' To listen to a recording of the piece, in a more Bulgarian style, please visit
@url{http://gnu.@/org/@/music/@/FreeSWSong.@/ogg}. Richard Stallman wrote the lyrics above in 1993. This version of the score is published in *Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman,* 2nd ed. (Boston: GNU Press, 2010)." "Typeset by David Madore using GNU LilyPond." }
 enteredby = "David Madore"

 VerseOne = \lyricmode {
 Join us now and
 share the so -- ftware;
 You'll be __
 free, ha -- ckers,
 you'll be
 free. __
 Join us now and
 share the so -- ftware;
 You'll be __
 free, ha -- ckers,
 you'll be
 VerseTwo = \lyricmode {
 Hoar -- ders may get
 piles of mo -- ney;
 That is __
 true, ha -- ckers,
 that is
 true. __
 But they can -- not
 help their neigh- -- bors;
 That's not __
 good, ha -- ckers,
 that's not
 VerseThree = \lyricmode {
 When we have e -- nough free so -- ftware
 At our __
 call, ha -- ckers,
 at our
 call, __
 We'll throw out those
 \set ignoreMelismata = ##t % for "li -- cen -- ses"
 dir -- ty li -- cen -- ses.
 \unset ignoreMelismata
 E -- ver __ more, ha -- ckers,
 e -- ver more.
 \score {
 \new Staff \context Voice = VA <<
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto VA { \VerseOne   }
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto VA { \VerseTwo   }
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto VA { \VerseThree }


由 LilyPond 输出的乐谱 png 文件

同时还可以输出 PDF 文件和乐谱文件(midi)

将 LilyPond 生成的 midi 文件导入 denemo,可以进行编辑,试听。

2012年01月07日 星期六 19:54


2012年01月18日 星期三 15:06


2012年01月30日 星期一 09:40

2012年01月30日 星期一 21:30




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