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标题:[zeuux-universe] Nonsense hanzi tattoos

2013年03月21日 星期四 14:28

Akira Urushibata afu在wta.att.ne.jp
星期四 三月 21 14:28:05 CST 2013

> Why this email's titled "Windows 8 news in English"? Or was it only me
> seeing it that way?

Sorry for the wrong title.

One more:

  Could you tell me what this means?
  I was young and dumb and was told it meant "Power". Thank you.

It is the kind of power that Richard Stallman does not like.



2013年03月21日 星期四 15:24

Weiwu Zhang zhangweiwu在realss.com
星期四 三月 21 15:24:28 CST 2013

2013/3/21 Akira Urushibata <afu在wta.att.ne.jp>:
> One more:
> http://hanzismatter.blogspot.jp/2010/12/from-samantha-m.html
>   Could you tell me what this means?
>   I was young and dumb and was told it meant "Power". Thank you.

Haha, you don't need to be young in order to be dumb; we got a lot of
old fools here:)

Is it your tattoo? I hope it is not permanent. As someone already
explained, it means power derived from authority, and it specificity
means power granted to you by authority, usually oppressive, not the
power of your inner-self or your ability or your spirit. For this very
reason, it is usually used in negative sense. There are lots of other
words for "Power" in positive sense, the tattoo artist should use a
better dictionary.

Having read that, I no longer feel shameful of our pidgin English
banners everywhere in China:)




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